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PASAJTarlabaşı programı 


ekmel ertan & seçil yaylalı
61 meters of kahya bey street

One of the important streets of Tarlabasi is Omer Hayyam street and Kahya bey street is a narrow long street that crosses it. The workshops have done with children and the teenagers that accommodate in the first 61meters of this street. They resulted in the form of a participatory documentary with merchants, inhabitants and the kids themselves. The aim of the artists is to show a segment form the lives, expectations, disturbance of the people in this cosmopolite and harmonious neighborhood. The main effort is to create visual and verbal memory by making permanent documentation of today in this rapidly changing neighborhood especially in collaboration with the kids and the teenagers. The project was shown at Apartman Projesi Berlin and also participated in the conference “We Decide How We Reside” in the frame of Wohnungsfrage at HKW in Berlin. From 25th February Project will be shown in the neighborhood PASAJ Tarlabasi.


Artful Living

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