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PASAJ @ Barın Han program 


Selin Atik
Broadcast from tape


We are happy and excited to host Selin Atik, who will be having her first solo exhibition at PASAJ @ Barın Han this month, with 'Broadcast from Tape'.
The artist questions the components of our identity, which we create with our memories, through the 'Truth of the Moment' and questions the possibilities of a new concept of 'truth' that may arise.

The exhibition will be open to visitors on Saturday, March 16th from 10:00 am and will open with an artist talk with Zeynep Nur Ayanoğlu at 15:30.

Broadcast from tape;
We are following a timeline where we exist with our past and move towards the goals we set for the future. We gain an identity with the choices made through memories and the memories we accumulate through these choices.

While making these choices, are the truths, and values passed down from our ancestors, our family, the facts, value judgments, patterns, and behavioral patterns that are made true through the memory of the family, society, and culture that we live in and shape us lie behind the steps taken and decisions made, seeming to choose with free will?

What is the truth of the 'now'? 
Is there a truth that belongs only to us?
Can there be a possibility of a new truth to be established step by step by looking at ourselves through the truth of the moment? Can we reach the possibility of a new and common reality directly?

By shedding light on the unilluminated gaps in the truth of the moment, to see what touches, hides, offends, or accepts against our will, what we condone, and where we are missing...

When the difficult things to overcome in all the stories are similar, talking about the common formations or situations from which the situations originate and asking questions about these structures gives rise to an inevitable set of beginnings to be resorted to to investigate new possibilities.

In the first part of the exhibition "Broadcast from the Tape", which sets out in search of answers to these and similar questions, examines the possibilities of answers through the concept of the nuclear family into which the individual is born. This section primarily deals with the process of confrontation with the artist's past and memories through the dialogues they establish backward and the places they touch.

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